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Trademark registration

Trademark Registration Advantages

Trademark registration helps to secure your products or services from the third party. It enables better protection against infringement. It helps an organization to better protect a brand mark and at the same time develops a reputation among the consumers or client. A registered trademark offers the ownership of a registered brand name and logo for all the products applied. Further, the owner can enjoy the only title of the Trademark and can coach others from the unauthorized use of the trademark under the same class where it is listed.

Reasons for Registering Trademarks

Sole ownership

Registration of your trademark grants you with exclusive right to ownership of products & services. It legally ensures the product or services intended to use.

Infringement of trademarks

One of the main reasons to register your trademark is to protect it from being infringed. If any person tries to use a conflicting mark for then the registered owner can file a case for such infringement.

Seek injunction

Application of trademark registration is a strong evidence regarding use of trademark. If anyone infringes or use a similar logo/name, which is enough to confuse the potential consumers or clients. A registered owner of a trademark may seek injunction and also claim for damages from court.

Protection of trademarks

A registered trademark can be protected for a particular period as mentioned under UAE law. The period of protection is renewable for another successive period by applying before or during the last year of its validity.

Seek cancellation

A registered owner of trademark can seek cancellation for prior use of trademark. A registered owner can seek cancellation when the trademark is infringed by a third party for illegal use.

Building brand image

Registering a trademark provide you with a stability to cultivate a stronger presence before consumers. A registered trademark naturally creates a brand perception of authenticity and transparency among the brand’s consumers or clients. It can enhance the brand value and function efficiently without any legal hurdles.

Advantages of Registering Trademark

Legal protection

It delivers certain protection to the registered owned and grants the owner the rights to sue any third party who tries to infringe the existing trademark. If any third person tries to register the same brand name as their trademark, then they will certainly be objected in the first place by the Trademark Office. If the owner of the trademark discovers any person infringing trademark then the registered owner has a right to claim infringement case under UAE law.

Serve as a legal evidence

  •  The legal reason that you should register your trademark is that if there is somebody that’s infringes a trademark, it can be served as a legal evidence in the court.
  • A trademark registration process will can be evidence of legal rights in a product or services provided. The registration certificate can be provided as legal validity on trademark.

Building goodwill

Trademark registration protect the goodwill associated with brand mark. It not only boosts their identity score but also ensure their credibility remains intact with time. All the intellectual notion preserved in the brand design and logo remains unique. Brings profound sense of reputation to products or services.


Trademark gives you and your company a separate identity before court. Registered trademark is published in the Trademark’s registrar. It promotes your company. Also, rightful ownership of your trademark.

Protection from infringement claims

Registration of trademark will prevent from the infringements claims that will come across. As the trademark is recorded in the registry, you will have proper legal evidence to defend your trademark.


A registered trade mark can be transferred or it can be authorized to another person to use the trademark.

Claim damages

The owner of the trade mark may claim damages for loss occurred. The owner may claim damages for (not limited to)

  • Profit loss
  • Injury to goodwill or reputation of the trademark

Trademark registration services in UAE

Trademark registration has to be initiated efficiently FAR Consulting Middle East will conduct a background search and provides a high degree of specialization in Registration of trademarks. We have a team of expert for managing the intellectual property laws for many clients. we provide the best quality service to on behalf of our clients. For further enquires contact us
