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Dubai Integrated Economic Zones Authority Business Services

As Dubai’s economy continues to expand rapidly and establish itself as a prominent global financial hub, the need for robust regulatory bodies to safeguard its financial sector’s integrity and stability becomes increasingly evident. Among these regulatory entities, the Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA) holds a pivotal role in supervising audit and liquidation services within the Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC).

The Dubai Financial Services Authority (DFSA)

The DFSA is an independent regulatory body entrusted with the task of overseeing and controlling financial services carried out within the DIFC, a specialized economic zone in Dubai primarily dedicated to financial and related activities. Established in 2004, the DFSA operates based on principles such as transparency, integrity, and accountability. Its primary mission is to create an internationally respected regulatory environment that fosters financial stability, instills investor confidence, and supports the growth of the DIFC.

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Audit Services in DIEZA

DDA provides audit services to companies undergoing liquidation. These services involve an independent and objective assessment of the company’s financial records, transactions, and operations. The key objectives of audit services in the context of liquidation are:

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Liquidation Services in DIEZA

DDA oversees the liquidation processes of companies registered within its jurisdiction. Liquidation services involve a systematic winding up of the company’s operations and distribution of assets. DDA’s liquidation services encompass various stages, including:

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